Thursday, October 29, 2020



Web Consumer Protection Advocates  for a Safe Healthy Home Inspection  ESPECIALLY FOR FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS - YOUR HOME INSPECTION...:  From Your Consumer Protection Advocates  are here to  protect you   from incompetent and dishonest services found on the internet.   Do not become a mold inspection victim. We have been called often for legal second opinions when clients or patients had mold inspectors give estimates of over $10,000.00 or more dollars when there was no problem at all or for health failing to identify pathogenic mold present some claim to be doctors yet have no medical authority. Caution: Some remediation companies also contaminated homes with unnecessary remediation that left the home far more dangerous than any toxic mold. See our clinical medical hygienist and medical mold expert in the TWO PART ABC NEWS SPECIAL:

PART ONE: EXPOSING MOLD INSPECTION FRAUD IN THE SHOW “ ON LOOKOUT ” "UNDERCOVER HOUSE" featuring our medical mold expert in this expose  

PART TWOABC NEWS SPECIAL MOLD INSPECTION FRAUD in "PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM MOLD INSPECTION FRAUD" Our medical mold expert reports are complete covering the type of mold, the health effects that may be associated with it, the cause and we provide a full remediation plan, scope of work that outlines how you may perform your own remediation when possible. For medical matters we will write a diagnostic report for your physicians. If your are a victim of mold concealment, incompetent remediation or inspection fraud, we as legal / medical court certified experts we can provide a forensic investigation to prove such. We will, only if you ask or beg us to provide you guidance or reference for selecting qualified remediation companies based upon our experience. Caution: We have seen many remediation companies making things much worse!

We have found court certified experts clinical medical environmental hygienists from the are the most reliable home health inspection to day


 From Your Consumer Protection Advocates are here to  protect you  from incompetent and dishonest services found on the internet. 

One of the highest risks we have identified are involved in the purchase of a new home  by newlyweds and  start  up families with children. 

For most consumers buying their first home is of high financial concern and for such you must have the following :

General  Home Inspection   and the following  for them must be  fully considered for the property:

  1. Assure your title or deed is fully clear. Some attorneys do this, some not.
  2. Review your lot size to be sure your survey is accurate 
  3. Check  that the roof has no leaks
  4. For septic systems  have a septic fully inspected
  5. See that there is no mold in the attic, basement and other areas of the home
But without argument,  the most important is a Safe Healthy Home Inspection  . Such inspections are performed by licensed clinical medical experts make sure you home is  free of  hidden dangers. See our experts in the the Discovery Health channel video link  "Is Your House Out to Get You" Such fully licensed inspections and testing include:
  1. EMF - link  Electro-Magnetic Radiation - Including 2-3-4-5 G
  2. Toxicological - chemicals, pesticides, ground gas and fuels, other
  3. Carcinogenic - Cancer causing
  4. Immunogens and Allergens  - Disease causing agents
  5. Toxic molds, bacteria, 
  6. Air-Gases - of  mix composition
  7. Radiation  - Uranium - Radon 
  8. Lead, asbestos, many others that are concealed
  9. Many other agents of disease
Some important tips from the leading medical and health experts for this come from

They tell their clients and patients the following:

If you have any health condition you are vulnerable and more sensitive to the risk factors listed above. Their medical scientists share the following:

  • A major key and tip there is a high health risk  may be in your future homes is when  you first enter the property being a house, or apartment you detect unexpected aroma/odor. 
  • Walk about  in all the rooms and basement for at least an hour. Observe and sating on ceilings, walls, flooring, carpeting and other areas.
  • Note if  you begin to feel weak or experience any brain fog - this is more true to the pregnant
  • You may in fact even being to experience flavors and a  distaste even though not smelling anything.
  • You may experience or feel sensations in the kitchen near electrical appliances, microwaves or stoves.

For any such concerns contact the 5 STAR  rated experts at:



2020 EMF Testing Scam Warnings from YCPA: New York City

2020 EMF Testing Scam Warnings from YCPA: New York City  

Be alert and do your home work. Licensing protect you the consumer. Assure any consumer electrical services are licensed for any EMF testing and risk assessment. A warning from Marsha Cohen Your Consumer Protection Advocate (YCPA) New expensive elaborate  websites appearing in Manhattan and Brooklyn by scammers pretending to be   state or industry licensed  overnight amateurs meter readers are  terrorizing individuals with sham readings selling meaningless cloths, filters, shields and grounding.   

YCPA has interviewed experts that are state and industry licensed electronic electronic engineers, medical experts and epidemiologists in the tri-state area that have reviewed recent 2020 reports form these meter readers when viewing them  concluded as being meaningless with numerous errors and conclusions in addition to their  sales offering.

All interviewed have stated if you feel you have any exposures to EMF, electrical lines, high voltage towers or 2-3-4- 5G cellular communications to speak to real experts as they know how such work needs to be performed.

YCPA in closing says for you to protect yourself demand fully licensed that are qualified for any concerns from exposure to electromagnetic fields. If you have already been a victim of  sham meter readers claiming possessing state of industry licencing file a complaint against hem to your local state consumer services department. Licensing is required for anyone to provide consumer electrical services.

For these areas we interviewed these sites that are available:

If you have been a victim of any fraudulent or deceptive consumer services send us such reports and  contact:  

Monday, July 27, 2020



September 10, 2019 Dutchess County New York EMF testing sham selling grounding. Young mom experiencing sensations what was suspect to be electromagnetic fields calls an unidentified claimed New York State certified EMF tester (no such certification exists)  was charged over $1,000.00 and told to insulate and redo grounding that was later performed for additional fees.

The mom never received her report and then called state and industry licensed electronic engineers and medical experts  from for such exposure. After completing their inspection and testing they  identified the cause of her concern, and provided the electrical  service that was unknown to the meter reader that was  a simple remedy at no cost. 

Investigation is underway to identify this individual. If you have identified any  such person report them here for public exposure.

If it is important for health, legal, contractual or technical  matters call   a fully licensed expert.