Web Consumer Protection Advocates for a Safe Healthy Home Inspection ESPECIALLY FOR FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS - YOUR HOME INSPECTION...: From Your Consumer Protection Advocates are here to protect you from incompetent and dishonest services found on the internet. Do not become a mold inspection victim. We have been called often for legal second opinions when clients or patients had mold inspectors give estimates of over $10,000.00 or more dollars when there was no problem at all or for health failing to identify pathogenic mold present some claim to be doctors yet have no medical authority. Caution: Some remediation companies also contaminated homes with unnecessary remediation that left the home far more dangerous than any toxic mold. See our clinical medical hygienist and medical mold expert in the TWO PART ABC NEWS SPECIAL:
PART TWO: ABC NEWS SPECIAL MOLD INSPECTION FRAUD in "PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM MOLD INSPECTION FRAUD" Our medical mold expert reports are complete covering the type of mold, the health effects that may be associated with it, the cause and we provide a full remediation plan, scope of work that outlines how you may perform your own remediation when possible. For medical matters we will write a diagnostic report for your physicians. If your are a victim of mold concealment, incompetent remediation or inspection fraud, we as legal / medical court certified experts we can provide a forensic investigation to prove such. We will, only if you ask or beg us to provide you guidance or reference for selecting qualified remediation companies based upon our experience. Caution: We have seen many remediation companies making things much worse!
We have found court certified experts clinical medical environmental hygienists from the are the most reliable home health inspection to day