Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Elexana LLC Building Bio Type EMF Certificate Holder Terrifies Home Owners

Press Release:

Elexana LLC Sham EMF Testing Terrorizes  New York Chelsea Home Family Forcing Owners to Vacate

 Your Consumer Protection Advocate YCPA©  Reports  Court Ruling in EMF Case in New York City that terrified  a home owner when there was no risk.

EMF Testing and 4-5G WIFI Smart Meter Emission Power Lines Cell Towers have garnered  much attention in recent years with many having a high interest in safety seeking licensed experts to conduct studies for health and safety.

The consumer needs be aware there have been rashes of overnight EMF certificates issued to anyone without any state or industry licensed for electrical services by self-appointed unrecognized "academies" that have no legal, academic or scientific authority. Without license  such are not permitted to touch, measure, make changes, repairs, corrections,  electronic services and other activity to perform such or make any health and safety claims. 

The Hartman Case 

 A recent  New   York City published legal   case  Decided Mar 31, 2021 in Civil Court of the City  of  New York, New York County, Hartman v. WVH HDFC, 71 Misc. 3d 1204 (N.Y. Civ. Ct. 2021),  2021 N.Y. Slip Op. 50276 , 142 N.Y.S.3d 79  that was recently by reviewed YCPA  and interview with the NYC licensed expert  (scientist from  electraEMF - ) that was involved in  dismissing the report from certificate holder Jim  Finn (JF) from a recent upstart company calling itself Elexana LLC.

In this case the individual  JF instantly proclaimed claimed to be a   licensed  electronics engineer expert with numerous qualifications such as  radio license, medical authority, patents, being a major scientist with IEEE,  and other such information on their website cleverly convinced architects, engineers  and attorneys of his authority when in fact he had only just recently obtained a building bio type overnight certificate that is given to anyone for a fee.

Elexana  in their report made claims that the readings they collected were of a dangerous level to human health and that expensive shields were required  and work must be performed. 

The property owners in HARTMAN being the plaintiff/petitioner  filed claims against the  management company WVH HDFC the defendant/respondent then retained NYC  attorney Jared  Langenthal  Esq.  that  subsequently obtained the services of a medically integrated scientist Dr. J. Dumanov of Spectral Analytical Sciences, a  legal court certified expert witness, state and industry licensed electronics and communication engineer (NYC RCA Institute and Sarnoff Electronics and Communications Labs, Princeton NJ) and technologist (  to review the building bio report that then conducted a clinical technical environmental study of the  property in this matter. The property was identified with no levels of EMF that were of clinical - medical interest or concern. The court in closing this case ruled the EMF claims by Elexana LLC were unsupported and dismissed the petitioner/plaintiff's report for being without expert standing for  their claim. 

In a YCPA interview after the case was dismissed with American scientist prof. dr. J. Dumanov,  reported in court record as having performed over 2,500 studies in  a 20 year period, a peer review associate editor for over 200 scientific, publications we asked  the following  questions about the case and how the consumer is to protect themselves from what legally is considered theft by deception as such what is considered unqualified activity from building bio certificate types that have been causing alarm, devaluing properties, frightening property owners and at the same time  they are clearly overlooking, not recognizing  true areas of exposure risk from elements of the electro magnetic spectrum when such is present.

Q.  How was the  EMF exposure study conducted for safety of the property at the request of the attorney for the defendant/respondent for this EMF legal case approached?

A.  Surprisingly this is the second time that I came to the aid of a victim of Elexana's report that terrorized a young mother in Hoboken   previously reported by YCPA

It must be understood that for EMF  ELF  RFR 2-3-4-5G exposure for risk and health  are  all  highly technical - clinical scientific studies. For such, initially we conducted our own fully integrated  multivariate electromagnetic spectrum study that was performed for clinical-medical,  health and safety purposes. We then reviewed the petitioner/plaintiff's so-called building bio report.

Q. How do you determine safe levels for  EMF levels as in this study for  this case?

A.  Having reviewed countless studies  over decades and from experience the levels identified were of no clinical-medical potential risk for all areas of interest for the health and safety of the family.

Q.  What did your review of the plaintiff's/petitioner's building bio report in terms of EMF risk exposure. 

A. Having prepublication review of EMF  risks exposure for major scientific  publications in oncology,  toxicology, immunology, medical mycology and EMF publications and  journals I was very disappointed that occupants in this case were distressed  on what  was based upon being no relevant science, and  conducted by deceptive amateurs' and unnecessarily  distressing the owner occupants  based upon numbers reported that had no peer reviewed scientific basis. 

Q. What are the qualifications necessary for conducting EMF testing for   exposure studies.

A. From the start for the technical environmental there must be rigorous state and industry required professional  accredited academics, internship, experience that is fully recognized by state and industry to provide  lawful licensing authority.

Q. What are the building bio type EMF certificates all about?

A. These building bio startups recognizing  our pioneering research  began calling  me   over 15 years ago wanting to know about how this practice is conducted and began to copy and mimic our early websites. Such all was done by Elexana when it frost began pretending to be possible clients and patients.

In fact they asked   to teach them and I mentioned the requirements and then not having heard from them again. Then their sites appeared in the US in California and Arizona and other locations and then began to issuing  certificates by unaccredited international  websites in Canada, and the EU . These certificate reports are considered sham reports that are not recognized lawfully as in the Hartman case that merely cite  EMF unrelated and irrelevant  numbers without any supporting bona fide  science.  

It is clear those that are creating such reports and issuing these EMF certificates must be held accountable with lawsuits for the harm they create to you the public due to misinformation, disinformation, misconceptions and unrelated information they pass off as science that is not relevant that causes  such harm to those affected from such sham reporting.

Q. Are such report numbers important? What are EMF testing safe numbers and levels?

A. EMF safe numbers,  numbers,  numbers. Numbers have many limitations that are unrecognized. This is an area where there is a problem for many reasons that include instrumentation issues, measuring issues, methodology  and interpterion of the readings. The numbers by amateurs' are not qualifed for the most important clinical medical diagnostic requirements to start, then technically are not understood and thereby not for any professional critical clinical-medical for the diagnosis  and contractual purposes where safety is an interest and concern.

Q. What are the requirements to conduct EMF testing for health and safety.

 A. That is an interesting but is in fact a binary question that have separate sets for computation of the highest order. Epidemiologists recognize that related health and safety testing are separate paradigms and domains due to environmental and the clinical-medical setting for our in situ EMF exposure studies for such  for our reporting.

Q. How do you diagnose and determine the effects of EMF fields?

A. Given decades of work with over 8,000 cases in related clinical molecular epidemiology, oncology, immunology, toxicology and related for the diagnostic integrations typically review medical reports from our clients and patients. For the diagnostics for such  matters the mandatory applied integrated  clinical-medical differentials, and relevant emissions and field  levels are evaluated and considered for the exposure testing is beyond the meter readings.

Q. Why after many years of research is there no conclusive research that fully outlines the health effects of EMF on people?

A. For our studies and reporting our work is scientifically conclusive  on a case by case basis as acknowledged in the Harman case but also in a case against Verizon in Princeton NJ involving a communications installation exposing a family to emissions.  In this case,  Verizon  after our report was submitted  there were  multiple interrogatories and depositions by their Philadelphia law firm and subsequently Verizon settled acknowledging my study methodology and report.

Q. What is the real science behind EMF related exposure?

A. This will be the closing answer for this question for the day coming from the inside. Some know of my work while in Milan during the outbreak of COVID 19 and our publication at that time. I and our scientific team knew all about  CV19   from day one. There are three domains encountered being of true science (non-Fauci), economic marketing and the political involved. Being in  science and not the latter  two.  For all the good, trusting and intelligent  people what you are reading is not real science, but political economic marketing (PEM) that produces clearly misleading and intentionally confusing publications. Why, because is is not original but parroted, innuendo  and hearsay. Scientific publications are rigorously reviewed contain the real science between the lines of true research/testing. If one can not see or read between the lines one is left with the headlines only.

What you are reading about EMF 4-5 G is trivial, inapplicable,  and clearly without scientific basis and  is legally  to be dismissed but yet impressive to even the most learned. 

The expecting, those with infants and children are most vulnerable. Many of my clients are MD and post doc recognizing my integrated practice, and yes our studies have turned their and many other lives around.  

Q. Thank  you for your time. Your work is most impressive with your clinical, medical, electronics and legal background.  Any closing recommendations ? 
A. Do not be deceived under any circumstances and know the bio certificate holders that have LLC certificates  (Limited Liability Corporation)  believing they can deliver  incompetent  services such as reported with Elexana LLC that have deceived architects, engineers and attorneys believing  they are without liability are in for a surprise not knowing there is no LLC protection for the deceptive services, malpractice, malfeasance, nonfeasance, and negligence for this critical practice. Understand that it was not easy  to win a case  against  a 160 billion dollar  Verizon company, yet I knew from the start  my client plaintiff would prevail form my experience in my own over 100 clinical environmental legal cases.

The science is clear as to the effects of the EMF spectrum  and it is not what you are reading on the building bio sites-it is simply not true science but "Faucism".  In closing, for anyone that has suffered from any resulting pecuniary loss or personal injury resulting in the failure to identify exposure risk may seek an action in tort , personal harm or for the defamation of their property resulting in loss of value, related contractual interference or other actions or otherwise harmed  may call for a free consultation to possibly  retain our forensic services for such matters. As a published civil rights advocate, and  for NJ NY CT PA  and court certified for child protection services (CASA) have been here to protect the public for decades. 

 Thank so you very much  for your time Dr. Dumanov

For YCPA© Interview:   Claire Marie  De Champ, Esq.

For NY Victims of Consumer Fraud and Deception Call

For New Jersey Victims of Consumer Fraud and Deception Call