Sunday, September 22, 2024

Removing PFAS Carcinogens from our Diet, Water and Environment

Cancer rates Are Increasing- Removing PFAS from our Diet Water and Home  Environment

A ongoing  class action lawsuit from  PFAS toxic water  $11.5 billion dollars is available for those that have developed these cancers. As explained by clinical environmental,   food and chemical  toxicologist:   integrated oncologist  from the Subclinical Research Institute (US EU UK)   Prof. Dr. Josef Dumanov, Esq. that the collection of   Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large, complex group of synthetic chemicals that have been used in consumer products around the world since about the 1950s. They are ingredients in various everyday products. Consumer exposure comes from our dietary intake as they are added when being  used to keep food from sticking to packaging or cookware, make clothes and carpets resistant to stains, and create firefighting foam that is more effective. PFAS molecules have a chain of linked carbon and fluorine atoms. Carbon-fluorine bonds are one of the strongest, that chemicals can not be metabolically human systemically or environmentally degraded and therefore PFAS are commonly  referred to as  “forever chemicals” As an environmental pollutant has been identified  in many public water systems  and caused contamination in many household’s drinking water. These chemicals can accumulate in the body and have been linked to many  cancers and illnesses.

Due to this exposure, nearly all consumers  have PFAS in their blood. PFAS chemicals are toxic and can persist in the environment indefinitely. PFAS chemicals can travel through the environment, including into drinking water sources, and accumulate in human blood. Even modest releases of PFAS can cause widespread pollution and damage. PFAS is known to cause severe adverse human health effects, including specifically an increased risk of kidney, breast, pancreas, prostate, and testicular cancers, liver damage, decreased birth weight and birth defects, decreased vaccine response, high cholesterol, infertility, and diabetes.

Although at this time there are no way of removing or clearing  PFAS   from our body systems Dr. Dumanov  recommends  is  removing the many sources in the home including  the source of the exposure from your environment. While PFAS cannot be removed from the body consumers must  avoid the following FAS containing these categories of products:

  • Non-stick cookware: If you must continue using non-stick cookware, ensure that it does not heat over 450ºF. Also, keep an eye on it when in use, and make sure to discard it once it begins to wear down
  • Packaged foods: Especially those with oil-repellent coatings, such as microwave popcorn bags, fast-food packages, and wrappers for greasy foods.
  • Personal grooming products: PFAS can be found in various personal and cosmetic products, including dental floss, makeup, and facial and body moisturizers.

If you or loved ones have developed any of the possibly PFAS  related health disorder there are many support groups nationally to help you recover the costs of your health care.

2024 PFAS  Class action Update 

Check Eligibility For PFAS  Cancer Health and Compensation Settlement 


Quick Sol SCAM

 I’m Rina  I was working at Quick Sol and we talked about website development. I want the consumers to know I left the company as soon as i got to know their ugly truth. They are a SCAM company! It’s actually not even a company it’s a CALL CENTRE based in Lahore, Pakistan. You can even search it on Google, the location will be Pakistan. They’ve bought American numbers for cold calling & scamming people.

They get money out of their clients and give them services for a while and then out of a sudden, block them. Plus they got hackers to hack your personal data & banking details. Along the way they will also ask you for more money so that they may provide you with other services which is a total scam too please don’t fall for it! They also don’t pay their employees. For 3 months they did not pay me and when i got to know their ugly & fraudulent business they threatened to fire me so i left myself. Whatever documents they make are literal fraud and it takes them like 2 minutes to make it. I repeat again, please don’t fall for this trap! 

You were my client and I feel really bad that you had to go through it all but trust me even I didn’t know their fraud so i’m sending you an email letting you know everything. 

i can attach you the picture of the person running this SCAM ORGANISATION. Kindly report it to the concerned authorities, take legal action to get their numbers and links all blocked so that they don’t scam anymore
people in America! 

Let me know if you wanna know anything more about them. I’ll be waiting to hear back from you. 

Here’s the scammer’s attached photo and his name is NOT Mike or anything. It’s USMAN and he’s a Pakistani Fraudulent. 
